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All the translations and notes are the creations of Ghazalnaama author(s) unless otherwise stated.
(Disclaimer - Photos of yesteryear poets are sourced from google search engine or photographed from reference books. Ghazalnaama has no copyright claim on the photos of the poets.)

Madhuri Shinde

Madhuri Shinde
I am an ardent fan of everything that is poetry and that gives me enough reason to start this space. I have been writing and self-learning poetry and literature for around two decades. Urdu poetry has been the key area of my interest.

At Ghazalnaama, I plan to share simplified English meaning of Urdu poetry (especially couplets) by renowned poets, saint poets, and lesser-known poets.

The purpose of Ghazalnaama is to create an anthology of Urdu poetry along with English explanation so that native as well as non-native readers can enjoy this rich tradition of poetry. Ghazalnaama also aims to become a community to harness and spread the grandeur and profundity of Urdu poetry.

Welcome to Ghazalnaama!

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